The customer required Elinext developers to build a unique social network for pet lovers all over the world. The uniqueness of a social network is that actual users should be represented by pets and should have a way to add pets that need help. A social network should have support for social features such as sharing a pet's life through uploading pet photos and videos and adding a pet’s description and status. Users should be able to see other pets' public profiles, their statuses, characteristics.
Moreover, there should be a way of searching for pets near your pet by specifying country, city, postal code, and even a distance from you. Making friends and personal messaging was also required. Another demand was to build a control system panel that would give website administrators full website control. The social network should also have a way to collect users' donations for pets support as well as users' feedback.
Build a clean and concise UI that would support all the required features and would be fast and responsive to the user interactions.
Solution and result
The backend of the social network is powered up by a proven PHP and MySQL technology stack on a virtual private server. The backend is well designed to fulfill future customer requirements and a growing load of the server. The client-side is built using HTML and JavaScript.
The UI is designed with the use of a trendy Metro style. It's clean and informative and familiar to most of the users. The website has Paypal payment system integration using OAuth and Paypal RESTful services. A control panel for website administrators allows a full website control – such as managing website users and pets, seeing processed donations transactions, controlling media files uploaded by website members. The website messaging system has a simple and convenient messenger-like appearance and works using RESTful services implemented on the website. There are also email notifications for various website events such as friendship proposals, net pet submissions, and so on. As for other social networks – has a Twitter and a Facebook integration.