Medical Diagnosis System for European Mental Health Clinics

Medical Diagnosis System for European Mental Health Clinics

Switzerland, Spain
Engagement model:
Time and Materials
9 months
1 PHP Senior Developer, 1 VueJS Senior Developer, 1 Business Analyst, 1 Project Manager
Technologies used
Symfony 6
AES encryption
Vue 3
Amazon EC2


The client that Elinext had the pleasure to work with is a medical device software manufacturer. The company specializes in creating medical devices for clinical research and patient monitoring, and Elinext was one of the teams they worked with.

The part that was dedicated to the Elinext team involved developing a web solution for the use of administrators and research assistants in clinics who work with patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. The solution involved a mobile app for patients diagnosed with schizophrenia that would collect data the clinical researchers would later work with. The mobile solution was being developed by the client’s in-house team, while the Elinext team developed the mobile API.


The goals for the team that worked with the web platform were the following:

  • Create a feature that allows the platform user to add a patient diagnosed with schizophrenia so that the patient could use a mobile app to take notes and answer questions about their condition.
  • Create a messaging system that allows the platform user to communicate with the patient.
  • Gather the patients’ activity statistics and generate a summary and individual reports.
  • Allow the platform user to edit the existing Goals and Strengths feature;
  • Allow the platform user to edit the existing Wellness Plan feature;
  • Create a Research Assistant profile.

The goals for the Mobile API were that it would allow the sharing of:

  • Mood tracker results
  • Tips
  • Library
  • Patient’s Goals
  • Patient’s Strengths
  • Messaging
  • Good things (notes of positive events in a patient’s life)
  • Patient’s Wellness plan


Module 1. Web portal

The web portal had a number of features that the Elinext team implemented.

  1. Authorization

The team implemented a simple authorization process that requires email and a password.

  1. Participant flow

The Participant flow allows the portal user (Admin or Research Assistant) to add a new patient (the user of the mobile app) to the web portal. A 3-step flow makes sure all data is filled, encrypted, and validated. The data includes basic information (phone number, Registration ID, Clinic Name, Initials, etc.), the patient’s Goals and Strengths added by their doctor, as well as the patient’s Wellness plan.

  1. Messaging

The Messaging feature was created so that the Admin or the Research Assistant could communicate with the patient by texting. A lot of patients have trouble with being up-to-date with their mobile app tasks, so they need to be regularly reminded to do that and offered help and information.

  1. Edit

The edit feature allows the Admin or the Research assistant to edit the patient’s information, such as their Strengths, Goals, and Wellness plan.

  1. Reporting

The backend gathers the statistics about the patient, such as how often the patient uses the app, clicks, edits, time of usage of the app, etc., and creates a report based on this information. All information is decentralized and is linked only to the patient’s phone number.

Module 2. Mobile API

  1. Authorization

The authorization had to be as simple as possible, so a patient can log in using just their phone number.

  1. Mood tracker

All mood statuses and activities are saved in the database.

  1. Tips

When the patient activates their Mood tracker, they receive tips on how to get better.

  1. Goals

The patient can see their goals in the app and create goals for themselves.

  1. Strengths

Patients can see their strengths in the app and add new strengths themselves.

  1. Messaging

Patients can communicate with the Admin or Research Assistant by texting.

  1. Good things

A Good thing is a memory for a patient to refer to when they are feeling down. A patient can add a note with the title and the description with the image/photo and audio record. Later they can open this note to remind themselves about a good thing in their past.


As a result, the Elinext team and the client’s in-house team managed to create a socially significant, complicated, and integrated project together. At this point, the implemented features keep getting expanded to improve and simplify the lives of patients with schizophrenia and those who take care of them.

The Elinext team consists of experts who excel in taking on challenging and fascinating projects. Feel free to contact Elinext to discover more about our development services.

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