The last decade has been marked by incredibly fast and vast spread of smartphones and mobile technologies. According to Emarketer statistics data, more than one-third of all people around the globe will be smartphones users by 2017.
Moreover, more and more people get involved in usage of mobile technologies and become aware of advantages these mobile technologies can offer. Therefore, savvy incorporation of mobile technologies into marketing ideas can bring tangible benefits both to business owners and customers.
Among recent mobile technologies, one can definitely show favor for a Quick-Response Code or simply a QR Code, usage of which has quadrupled last year.
QR Codes Mobile Marketing Ideas are working. This is a fact. And this fact is definitely proved by examples of successful marketing campaigns based on usage of QR codes. Such global companies as Macy`s, JC Penny and Tesco have managed to become big retail chains not by expanding the number of stores, but by simply placing QR codes on posters in subway stations, train stations, sidewalks letting people order groceries on the spot and have them delivered to their homes.
Taco Bell and Mountain Dew also used QR codes in their mobile marketing campaign. They were placed on drink cups and gave access to lots of free music content for those who will scan a QR code.
Some restaurants are cashing in on QR codes too, like in the Melt restaurants do. There customers have a possibility to order food and pay with a QR code and have their food served while they are being seated.
Another interesting idea was brought to life by Scandinavian Airlines who offered a good discount on flights for two people who will scan a QR code standing side by side with two separate smartphones. This promotion became extremely popular and brought the company increased revenue.
Some of video games developers also did not stay aside, but created a QR code for their game, named THQ Homefront, that allowed unlock exclusive, never-seen before content.
So far, there are lots of other examples of successful mobile marketing campaigns where usage of a QR code played the main role. QR codes can be brilliantly included in different promotional campaigns either of products or services. Nevertheless, many QR mobile marketing ideas ended in a failure and the QR code has not crossed into the mainstream business in many countries yet. Why is it so? Why many QR code based marketing campaigns do not work?
The main and first reason for that is absence of clear introduction of benefits of scanning of this or that particular QR code. In other words, the customer does not understand what for he should scan the QR code and, thus, does not do this. Here of great importance would be a catchy surrounding add that will mark the obvious purpose or value of the QR code so that the customer would become eager to scan the QR code immediately.
The second reason for why the process of QR code technology acquisition is so slow lies in unawareness of people of how to use a QR code. Instructions of how and where to download a QR code reader and how to scan the code can push people towards scanning of QR codes and starting reaping benefits from this.
To other prerequisites of QR codes failure such things as improper placement, size, scan-ability and compatibility can be attributed. It is imperative that the QR code should be placed where the customer would easily notice it and would have a spare minute to stop, however, the place should not be noisy and annoying. It is, by no means, also imperative that the size of the QR code should depend entirely on its placement and should not be too big or too small. And, finally, it is vital for the scan-ability to be fast and for the QR code to be compatible with different smartphones with different settings and in various locations.
And the final point is that the whole campaign should be tracked to see how effective it has been. For that purpose, software developers advise to use a full-service QR code Generator as it is not prone to hacks as Google analytics or are.
Summing up all that has been said, it’s vital to conclude that if all these things are taken into account and the value of the QR code is tangible, not just like leading to a visit of a particular website with no further aim or benefit, the QR code will definitely work.
And this is not all. QR codes will change and evolve with every passing day. Business owners who will decide to use QR codes in their mobile marketing campaigns will reap rewards. These tangible rewards will open new ways for the relations between businesses and customers to improve and, thus, for the world to become more and more mobile and QR code oriented.
Elinext projects:
PCA Skin Medical App
UPC Real Estate App
Day Nurseries & Care Homes App
EdQuants Analytic App
FX Grant analytic platform for Forex Traders
Industries and Technology Areas:
Industries: retail
Technology Areas: custom software development, mobile app development, QR Code Generator