Gartner says, by 2017 mobile apps will be downloaded more than 268 billion times and will drive more than $ 77 billion of profits. While mobile apps become one of the most popular computing tools worldwide, mobile app developers invent ways how to skyrocket their mobile app promotion. Each company engaged into mobile app development would like to enjoy a piece of this impressive pie of billion dollars, wouldn’t they? The thing is that the number of such “hunters” for profit as well as the number of mobile apps they offer are growing by the hour. At the same time, the probability to increase sales is getting slimmer. That is why it is crucially important to make the right decisions on the strategies of mobile app promotion. Guided by our 15-year-old experience at the software development market, we present here some useful tips how to skyrocket mobile app sales.
1. Make use of the Google Play Store on Android and Apple’s Apps StoreWhat else could be mentioned under number 1 after all? Apple is building its new business. You will be wrong if you think about iPhones or Macs. Apps and downloads have brought Apple $ 4.4 billion of revenue in Q1 2014. As for Android and the Google Play Store, their niche totals up to 80% of Smartphones.
2. However, one can object to point no. 1 Apple’s App Store has more than 1 million apps while users can see about 200 at a time. The Google Play Market displays 500 apps at a time. Then, link your app to social networks like Twitter, Facebook etc. as well as LinkedIn profile. Why social networks? Because they have many users who are on a mobile platform every single day.
By the way, social networks themselves seem to take efforts to exploit the mentioned weakness of the App Store and the Google Play Market and skyrocket their mobile app sales. Facebook gets users interested in App Install Ads. In particular, mobile app developing companies take advantage of showing their ads on the Facebook news feed and directing users to the app store.
3. Skyrocket your mobile app promotion with Google Display Network. It means that you create an appealing app ad (image, text, interactive or video apps) and put it at the right place at the right time. The advantage here is that one can choose categories of devices, operating systems and carries in which the ad will be shown. Besides, there is an opportunity to choose pages and websites for your mobile app adds.
4. Create and place a product video on your website and promote a mobile app through a story about it on your landing page. A good promo video about a mobile app will build excitement around it. The absolute advantage of this way could be a low budget because a video can be hand-made anyway. It can also be an instruction how to use an app. A promo video for a mobile app can be uploaded to YouTube.
To promote a mobile app on a website, one can also take advantage of other old-school marketing strategies like banners, podcasts, etc.
5. Promote your mobile app on Google search results and drive traffic to your website. Get involved into SEO to boost your ranking. You will need to make a new ad group. Then, select App/digital content ad and enter keywords users apply when searching for your particular app.
Before you launch your campaign, it seems to be effective to create an app promotion add (some kind of a “click-to-download” app) that will link your mobile app directly to the Google play store or Apple app. Android mobile apps will automatically be shown on Android devices, while iTunes apps – on iOS ones.
6. Have users use your mobile app. Getting users to download a mobile app is much easier than getting them to use it. In March 2013, Techcrunch reported that 80-90% of all the downloaded apps were used once and then deleted by users.
In particular, Google offers mobile app developers to create a mobile app engagement campaign aimed at encouraging users to use your app again and making recommendations for users to take a specific action or use specific features of the app.
7. Fight for awards. Competitions provide an excellent opportunity to make a name for your mobile app and get more users interested in it. Contests for best mobile apps are dedicated to uncovering the next big players in mobile applications. A resonant name of your company or your mobile app will definitely skyrocket your mobile app development and sales.
8. Customize your mobile app. The last but not the least rule. Under deteriorating economic circumstances people want to pay for what they really need. Moreover, in this full of mobile products market the reputation of a company which is dedicated to your specific needs and doesn’t produce needless but expensive functionality helps to get more scores from potential customers while launching a new mobile app and software, on the whole, at the market.
9. Avoid common beginner’s mistakes. Behaving in mobile and web in the same way. Ruining the balance between organic and paid traffic. Read on these and other mistakes in our next article.
At Elinext, we are getting convinced in it with each new project. Tailor-made approach to mobile app development is a good way to make a good name for a company and skyrocket app promotion.
Elinext Alliance mobile application projects:
Pantene Pro-V Game Case Study
Paris Capitale Magazine Case Study
Flower Monitoring Mobile App Case Study
Stiftung Theodora Case Study
Dashboard Car App Case Study
Industries and Technology Areas
Industries: IT
Technology Areas: mobile application development