Mobile Payment Solution for Tablets and MPED Devices From Elinext

Elinext, an international group of software development companies created a custom mobile payment app for tablets used in combination with MPED devices.

Tablets are becoming a mainstream payment instrument in the burgeoning mobile commerce market. Elinext, a global provider of outsourced IT services, delivers a new app for mobile payments to a US customer. The developed application works with MPEDs (Mobile Pin Entry Devices) and thus transforms tablets into secure and wireless payment terminals.

The transactions space is changing. Merchants, retailers, resellers, and agents are all focused on how to best process payments, and deliver incremental value to their customers. “The solution is designed to provide a faster, more convenient, and more technology-enabled experience for consumers. This helps merchants and service companies be more productive in the mobile environment,” said Alexey Trigolos, IT Services Director at Elinext.

In today’s marketplace, speed and convenience in payment settlement systems are getting increasingly important. Not just for customer satisfaction, but for better sales and higher profit, too. The created application is intended for use with MPED devices that support magnetic stripe and smart cards. All data transmissions in the payment ecosystem are securely encrypted, which increases consumer confidence.

Moving away from fixed point of sale registers creates a myriad of selling opportunities. “With the help of our app sales staff can significantly extend their selling radius. In fact, our client got a complete remote payment solution, suitable to service an increasingly demanding and intelligent consumer,” said Alexey Trigolos.

The tablet-based POS system may extend sales capabilities, recover sales typically lost due to poor personalized service, encourage return purchases, and ultimately boost sales.

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