12 Tech Trends That Will Dominate in 2015

The beginning of the 21st century was full of sсi-fi predictions with films shot about the world of smart devices and self-driving cars and it all seemed quite unbelievable to come true. Nevertheless, more than a decade passed and now we are more likely to start living in that no longer sci-fi reality.

Each year brings us closer for incredible technologies to come into our lives. Lots of predictions are made at the beginning of each year and some of them get real.
So let`s deepen into the 12 predictions on the tech trends 2015 that will reshape the way we livework and communicate.

1. “Smart House” technology or the Internet of Things (IoT)

The idea to connect everyday devices and manage them from a smartphone or tablet was definitely not born this year, but the prerequisites for its implementation have emerged just now due to broad spread of smart gadgets and apps specially developed for their interconnectivity. It is predicted that within 2 years’ time up to 95% of devices produced by Samsung will contain sensors and chips and will be a part of the Internet of Things. The devices will have a function of self- learning, understanding the environment and acting autonomously, they will be “smarter” and will be able to share energy and consume it more rationally. By the way, clothes, furniture, and home-kit devices – all this will be digitized and will constitute the IoT.

2. “Self-driving cars” technology

The year of 2014 has definitely been the year of automobile industry breakthrough. Some of the famous automobile brands as Audi, BMW and Mercedes have demonstrated their self-driving cars when, for example, an Audi A7 Prototype went from San Francisco to Las Vegas without a driver piloted remotely.

With artificial intelligence built in your automobile it is no longer a sci-fi to enjoy a movie while your car smoothly drives you to the destination. In 2015 Nissan plans to implement a new technology called “Nissan Eporo” that will let automobiles copy the behavioral model of a school of fish, letting cars drive round obstacles and avoid collisions with each other. This way of drive will help to reduce traffic jams and improve the road safety level.

3. 3-D Printing

The technology of 3D Printing definitely allows creation practically of any item from a car to a plane and during 2014 it grew in its popularity. Even though, this tech trend will keep on retaining its leading position in 2015 as this technology becomes cheaper and it will be broadly applied not only in the industry and medicine, but also in every business where prototypes for products are needed. Low-cost 3D printing devices will appear in the market and their worldwide shipments will grow 98% this year. Furthermore, this technology can obviously be called the tech trend not of the one year but of the nearest decade and even more. 3D Printing is where the tech future lies.

4. Smart Wearable tech trend

Heart-rate monitoring, a remote control function for your car, house and TV, fitness tracking and even control of behavior of your employees at work – that is definitely not the end of the list of functions that the wearable will possess in 2015. They will check your vital statistics and will customize this information with your smartphone.

They are no longer watches and wristbands; they are now smart watches and smart wristbands. Some even say that they will replace smartphones or smartphones will take the form of wearables. The market of wearables is expected to reach 7,14 billion this year, as it is reported by Statista. AppleWatch is predicted to be the leader, but not for long.

5. Context Rich Systems

It is highlighted by Gartner that the new level of security will be reached this year thanks to the all-embracing analytics combined with the built- in intelligence. The combination of these two features will create a prerequisite for emergence of the context-aware security that will be the high and mighty tech trend of 2015. Moreover, context rich systems are not about security only. Being data-driven, they will definitely know their user and, thus, marketing campaigns will become more targeted.

6. The three-dimensional video telephony

Many people claim that the 2015 will face a boom of 3D phantom images and the video telephony will become three-dimensional. With the image recorded on several cameras from different angles and then transmitted to superfast laser data stream that will create a holographic pixel image on the polymer – you will see the person you are calling to as if he was standing nearby. The 3D phantom images will also become widely used in marketing campaigns.

7. Li-Fi

At the 68th General Assembly of the UN the year of 2015 was proclaimed the year of light and light technologies; and soon the day will come when light rays will replace the Wi-Fi Internet. The new li-fi (as opposed to Wi-Fi) will become a good solution for transmitting data at high speed to rural areas and even underwater.

8. Big data

Whereas the modern world is drowning in the huge waves of data, new technologies and new tools of data processing and analysis come into play. The name for such a new term is “Big data” and by the way it is no longer a novelty. The tools capable of analyzing big volumes of information are still to be brought to perfection. Next year “Big Data” will come to solution of multiple tasks such as analyzing info in real time context, adjusting to new requirements and learning on the fly and making more precise solutions. The companies that will use Big Data will leave their competitors far behind. Experts claim that Big Data will be inextricably linked with cloud analytics that is going to be another tech trend of this year.

9. Cloud computing

The IBM predicts that up to 60% of data centers will be connected with cloud computing and companies will prefer to turn to cloud servers instead of purchasing and installing their own software products and apps. Therefore the amount of cloud servers will keep on growing during the year.

Private clouds and cloud analytics will become the primary leverage for companies to speed up all processes and bring the company to a more targeted and cost-effective way of leading business. The proactive companies that will turn to cloud computing due to service providers earlier than the others will definitely stay several steps ahead of their competitors.

10. Web-Scale IT

This new tech trend idea lies in applying of The Agile Approach while launching a new web product. Thereby, the newly developed web product can undergo changes while being exploited. Basing on the data collected from users, developers can add new functions to the already working software and get rid of the unnecessary features.

These technologies have already been tested and applied by Google, Facebook and Amazon and it becomes evident that Web-Scale IT is the tech trend most companies will follow this year.

11. Enterprise Mobility

Smartphones will keep on conquering the world this year. Mobile gadgets, apps and event mobile payments are expected to skyrocket this year. There is no point in going deeply into explanations; there are lots and lots of businesses that will go mobile this year and that`s it.

12. Software defined data centers

Although the technology of software-defined data centers entered the top 10 of the most rapidly growing technologies still in 2009 it is assumed that precisely this year will bring companies closer to its adoption. This new method of data storage allows making changes to your software with the help of previously created software layer that manages the whole system. Thus, the whole process of software alteration becomes easier and more flexible. Moreover, the software and apps stored at such centers are deployed within a few minutes and allow businesses spend less on IT operations and more on business innovations.

To sum up, it has become obvious that the world has shifted to the new digital era where IT companies will act as guides that will lead businesses towards accomplishment of goals posed by the newly emerging environments and demands. There will be no place for “one size fits all” software programs as big data and pervasive analytics will let software and apps become more targeted, more specific, more what the customer needs.

Nevertheless, it is still not easy to find an IT company that will create you the high-quality web product for your business. It’s better to choose software development company that provides premium-quality IT services starting from software and mobile app development and outsourcing up to the creation of infrastructure management systems. It’s of high importance to focus on web product value and capacity and apply agile approach while developing the product. Moreover, high requirements must be set for issues of security, reliability and mobility.

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